
This is the homepage for all things related to Bunny McMillan / BunnyMacP & the Museloid family of UTAUloids.

About Me

Bunny McMillan (they/them)
・22 years old and Aquarius ♒️
・Vocal Synth Enthusiast and Youtuber (usually works with UTAU and Synthesizer V)
・Creator of the UTAUloid, Makoto Hirano
・Harmonica player for 5 years (student of Todd Parrott)
・Autistic, Bisexual, and Bigender

Meet the Museloid family

The Museloid family of UTAU voicebanks was originally started on June 24, 2020 with the release of Luna McMillan (then known as Kazumi Kotone), an UTAU voicebank that was made from playing one of Bunny's harmonicas. The family, then, expanded to two members in April 2023 with the introduction of Makoto Hirano.

Cover UST List

Things to Know Before You Download:
USTs are in VCV Japanese unless otherwise specified
Most of my USTs are tuned by me, by hand unless otherwise specified
Follow the guidelines listed in the ReadMe.txt file
If you want to cover an original song by me, check the fourth column.

Voicebank Terms of Service

When publishing work using the MUSELOID family of voicebanks, it is not necessary to state the name of the append voicebank you're using. However, you are required to state the name of the character and the author.
When attributing the character name and author, you must write the names exactly in the ReadMe.txt file of the character. You cannot call the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other author.
Usage Content
You are free to create sexual (R-18) and violent (R-18G) content.
Do not create political content.
As long as you're not trying to make your listener convert or join your religion, you are allowed to make religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
- Violations of UTAU's Usage Policy
BunnyMacP reserves the right to request takedown of published content at any time, and users are expected to comply.
Character and Artwork
Published work using the voicebank may or may not include visual depictions of the voicebank character.
Visual depictions in fanart should be clearly recognizable as the voicebank character. This voicebank can be used in conjunction with artwork of other characters.
Commercial Use
You are free to use the voicebanks commercially.
You cannot use the Museloids or any included assets in their voicebanks in projects involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or cryptocurrency.
You cannot edit the voicebank audio files.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You can only use this voicebank in UTAU and similar singing synthesizers that do not require any edits to the voicebanks.
Before any Museloid is discontinued, you cannot redistribute their voicebanks.
After this voicebank is discontinued, you are free to redistribute part or all of the voicebank. You must correctly attribute the voicebank's name and author, and clearly state any changes you have made.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with the Museloids (feel free to tag me too)
BunnyMacP holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using the voicebank or character.
BunnyMacP holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of the voicebank's character.

Original Songs

If you like my originals and want to cover them, feel free to do so.

Our Love Will Last Forever/Ai wa Eien Ni Tsudzuku (Karaoke)